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Тема: Обсуждение НФР

  1. #491

    По умолчанию

    У меня вопрос к СБ.
    Вот его фразы:
    Только это не только в НФР так - очень много вещей в рестлинге, в ЛЮБОМ промоушене, придумываются либо чтобы постебаться над фанатами, либо в состоянии алкогольного опьянения.
    И почитай наконец книжки, которые пишут американские рестлеры. Я думаю, для тебя не секрет, что рестлерам обычно насрать на фанатов. Многие их вообще считают за дибилов.
    Мне хочется подтверждения где, кем и когда это было сказано.
    Желательно не цитаты "Васи Пупкина" из интернета, а реальные доказательства твоих слов.

  2. #492
    Администратор Аватар для s.b

    По умолчанию

    Я же тебе написал, что цитаты будут, как будет время. У меня два дня до шоу, у меня нет времени пересматривать все мои книги рестлеров, к тому же многие из них сейчас не у меня. Угомонись.

    Вот тебе для затравки две заметки, пускай, кто нибудь переведет. У меня реально нет времени на это, к тому же ты всё равно не в состоянии вести равноценную дискуссию:

    This article may sound like I'm shooting myself in the foot -– no doubt I'm guilty of many of these crimes -– but it's something that has to be said. I'm not trying to save my own soul here, or toot my own horn by proclaiming I'm a changed man, but nevertheless, here it goes:
    The Internet has ruined the wrestling industry.

    There, I said it.

    Don't get me wrong, the information age has been good to many industries and has brought many conveniences to fans and wrestlers alike. Nearly every wrestler has his own webpage (certainly a lot more do than the ones I have listed in my links section). Kevin Nash has one. Bret Hart and the Honky Tonk Man make regular additions to their sites. Kinglawler.com was the site to go to in 2001 when he and The Kat bounced from then WWF and subsequently got divorced. Lance Storm recently decided that writing regular commentary was less important than his family. And only months ago did Chris Jericho put the screws to his own site by spitting on the fans and claiming he won't write anymore.

    Wait -- why would he do that?

    Because many fans both on his site and their own have been very vocal about their complaints. After his fight with Rob Van Dam at King of the Ring, Jericho got one too many postings saying that his match sucked, was the worst of his career, and that he blew "so many" spots. But Jericho and Van Dam alike were very happy with the match. I saw it and had no problems with it.

    You see, in the world of entertainment exist what are called the "fan boys." These strange and often frightening creatures believe to have superior knowledge, or at least claim they can tap some "inside source," about whatever it is they are fans of. Alternate names for these people are "nerds," "losers" and "people who have nothing better to do than sit around and comment on things that they like perhaps a bit too much."

    It's one thing to have a passion for professional wrestling. It's another to claim that you are a connoisseur and have the right to tear a wrestler or his performance a new asshole. I've been vocal about gimmicks and uninteresting angles and even the occasional unentertaining match, but I'd never tell that to the wrestler himself.

    Reading house show results is fun. Sometimes reading the spoilers is beneficial for those who don't like to be surprised, and in fact, would rather know ahead of time if one of their favorite wrestlers will even be on TV.
    The Internet allows guys like me to know what's going on as far out as New Japan and, lets me keep up the QWA, which is in my home town of Long Island, despite the fact that I can't even afford the $20 tickets. Reading a well-written commentary is great (and being able to write one is even better).

    But a line must be drawn. On Sunday, Aug. 4, I read that Matt Hardy was being held back due to being too vocal at staff meetings. The next day he and Jeff fought Lance Storm and Christian for the Tag Team titles.

    I love reading the Ross Report on WWE.com. As much as I'd like to know how the WWE's discussions with Goldberg are going via 411wrestling.com, I don't need to know if Triple H has heat backstage for whatever reasons.

    The bottom line is that there's too much out there by people who may or may not have an insider's look at pro wrestling. We all realize that pro wrestling in general is having a down season. However, this fact is kicking up too much negativity from the fans. And in this day of technology, it's all coming up through the Internet. The WWE has been doing great things. There are lots of bad things going on right now, but there will always be something bitch about. This is not the time to make wrestlers think their fans have abandoned them. With roster cuts abound, now is the time to back up your favorite wrestler and give him confidence so he'll go out there wanting to please you. The Internet should be a place to cheer when the arena's out of state.

    Although pro wrestling is watched and loved by all types of people all over the world, many wrestling fans still struggle with stereotypes and scorn from non-fans today.

    There are wrestling fans in a vast number of countries and cultures today. Fans vary in age, gender, orientation, and beliefs. Yet those who do not watch professional wrestling often roll their eyes and have a fixed idea of who is the typical wrestling fan. The stereotypical wrestling fan, to those who don't watch wrestling, is uncultured, violent, poor, male, and usually “trailer trash”. Or, they are children who don't realize that wrestling is “fake.”

    South Park and the Wrestling W.T.F. Episode

    The cartoon show South Park perfectly encapsulated the stereotypical view of wrestling fans with its recent episode titled “W.T.F.” Several nine-year-old boys attend a WWE wrestling event in a nearby city in Colorado, and the boys are immediately enraptured with wrestling. They decide to form their own wrestling organization. The fans that come to their shows have Southern accents and frequently squeal in rage at a perceived wrongdoing by one wrestler to another.

    Examples include one fan’s indignant shrieking declaration that one wrestler had stolen another’s dog, implying that this warranted the dog owner wrestler’s justifiable wrath on the dog stealer. This motif repeated several times throughout the show, replacing dog with “job” and so on, reaffirming the stereotype that wrestling fans are easily riled and gullible, believing that the wrestling and storylines that they see are real.

    Wrestling Fans as Violent Stereotypes
    Sharon Mazer, who wrote an article entitled “ ‘Real Wrestling / “Real” Life’, seems to agree. She begins her essay with several wrestling related quotes from others, including one that stated, “I don’t care if it’s real or not. Kill him! Kill him!” She attributed the quote to “A fan, any fan.” This smug and arrogant credit points to any and all wrestling fans as savage beasts that thirst only for blood.

    Such a statement assumes that all wrestling fans cannot tell the difference between choreographed action and shoot (“real”) fighting, and that their presumably savage needs are being met when two wrestlers meet in the ring and fight. Yet Mazer forgets that many, though not all, wrestling fans are children, and thus she no doubt inadvertently implies that children who watch wrestling must be bloodthirsty barbarians as well.

    Real Wrestling Fans of All Types
    According to Captain Lou Albano and Bert Randolph Sugar, wrestling fans come from across the globe, and are of different ages and temperaments. Some celebrities are even wrestling fans, including former First Lady Bess Truman, Arturo Toscanini, Sean Connery and David Letterman. Regular fans range from kids to grandparents. In his autobiography A Lion’s Tale, Chris Jericho noted that growing up, he watched wrestling with his grandmother, who loved wrestling as much as he did.

    Albano and Sugar summed things up succinctly in their book: “Wrestling fans are diverse!” Anyone who believes that wrestling fans are nothing more than uneducated hicks or gullible little kids should consider famous people who are wrestling fans, and the sheer variety of fans, from, yes, kids, to middle-aged women, all the way to grandparents. Many are educated and have jobs and outside interests. Plenty have college degrees. The typical wrestling fan does not exist.

    Albano, Captain Lou, and Bert Randolph Sugar, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pro Wrestling (New York: Alpha Books, 2000).

    Jericho, Chris, and Peter T. Forndale, A Lion’s Tale: Around the World in Spandex (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2007).

    Mazer, Sharon, “ ‘Real’ Wrestling / ‘Real’ Life,” Steel Chair to the Head: The Pleasure and Pain of Professional Wrestling (London: Duke University Press, 2005), pgs. 67-87.

    “W.T.F.”, South Park (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) Comedy Central, New York, October 21, 2009.

  3. #493

    По умолчанию

    Автор кто?

  4. #494
    Shirley Fenette Аватар для Филон

    По умолчанию

    В конце же
    Albano, Captain Lou, and Bert Randolph Sugar, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pro Wrestling (New York: Alpha Books, 2000).

    Jericho, Chris, and Peter T. Forndale, A Lion’s Tale: Around the World in Spandex (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2007).

    Mazer, Sharon, “ ‘Real’ Wrestling / ‘Real’ Life,” Steel Chair to the Head: The Pleasure and Pain of Professional Wrestling (London: Duke University Press, 2005), pgs. 67-87.

    “W.T.F.”, South Park (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) Comedy Central, New York, October 21, 2009.

  5. #495

    По умолчанию

    В книге Лу Альбано нет ничего, про те 2 вопроса, которые я обозначил.
    Книгу Джерико тут переводят, пока то же нет ни слова.
    Кто такой Шерон Мэйзер, я не знаю.

  6. #496
    Администратор Аватар для s.b

    По умолчанию

    Вот еще заметка, после которой Крис Джерико закрыл свою колонку на сайте. Это было в 2002 году, еще задолго до сюжета прошлого года:

    Everybody has the right to an opinion and here's mine. I am sick of all you holier than thou, pompous jackasses. That's it. That's all. Baby goes to sleep now. I had one of my best matches of the year tonight with RVD, that featured 20 minutes of tremendous action, innovative false finishes and an absolutely tremendous crowd. It was everything I could've asked for in a match and it was in my opinion, an off the charts performance from RVD and myself, match of the year calibre .

    I was so excited about the contest and I can humbly state that we stole the show. The crowd was so into it that they were burned out after we went on, quiet for the next 3-4 matches. They ate up every move from start to finish, they enjoyed the hell out of it.

    But now I read the opinions of some of you. Many of you state that the match was very good or excellent. I agree. But many others are saying that the match was slow and predictable with one jackass even saying that it was one of the worst matches of my career!!! How can you honestly say that? What the hell do you people want? What is it that you are looking for? We go out there and bust our asses to entertain you (and if the Columbus fans were quiet, they sure as hell weren't during my match, they were entertained) and your thoughts were that bad?

    Well if you didn't like my match tonight, then you are out of luck if you're a Jericho fan, cause it was the best you're gonna get, jerky. That was CJ at his finest. Wrestling at it's finest. A great 4 1/2 star performance with an tremendous build, a great crowd and an awesome match.

    If you didn't like it, then stop watching me and stop watching the WWE and take up bowling, cause you will never like anything we give you.

    I'm the first one to admit when my performance is not up to snuff, or when something was bad and I'm the most self critical person on the WWE roster, but tonight's performance was me at my finest. Didn't like it? Get the F out then and good riddance to you.

    For all of you that enjoyed my match I say thanks. For those that didn't like it, I don't care cause I'm through with you.

    I am now finished with the internet and I'm finished with this sight because I hate what you marks are doing. You've spoiled it for me. You're negativity is ridiculous. You all come off like a bunch of bitter know-it alls, who won't be happy with anything we give you. Nothing is ever good enough and quite frankly I'm over it. You are the same people that are saying that Attack of the Clones is boring, analyzing every little detail, instead of allowing yourselves to be entertained.

    t seems that all of you wish the wrestling business would dry up and die, because some of you dislike EVERYTHING we do. Is it always good? No, but we are killing ourselves to try and entertain you and if you don't respect that then kiss my ass. I want the business to be around forever and I am doing my part to keep it great and I did that tonight, no matter what any of you think.

    Alot of the boys pander to you on their websites, asking for your input and your thoughts and I used to be one of them. Guess what? I'm not anymore. Think what you want. I don't care. Do what you want. I don't care. Respond how you want too as well, because I won't be reading. I don't give a damn about what you think anymore...

    One of the best wrestlers in the world and one of the performers in the best match of the night and match of year candidate from the KOR,

    Chris Jericho

  7. #497

    По умолчанию

    Да, Джерико написал круто. угу(с)
    "И почитай наконец книжки, которые пишут американские рестлеры"
    Какие книги?

  8. #498
    Администратор Аватар для s.b

    По умолчанию

    цитаты будут, как будет время. У меня два дня до шоу, у меня нет времени пересматривать все мои книги рестлеров, к тому же многие из них сейчас не у меня. Угомонись.

    Так видно?

  9. #499
    Living in a Moment Аватар для SWObi

    По умолчанию

    Эта заметка не говорит о том, что Крис считает ВСЕХ фанатов рестлинга дебилами, он говорит, что есть смарки которым никогда не нравится то что они видят, они всегда жалуются, но все равно смотрят, а потом постят идиотские сообщения. Да к тому же это было написанно в пылу, КРис просто злился, да и к тому же он здесь же благодарит фанатов, которые поддерживали его весь матч, и высоко оценивали его в коментариях. Так что тут уместнее сказать, что Крис не уважает мнения некоторых смарков и очень бурно на него реагирует, в силу того что он старается как никто, а это не оценивают.

    PS Что-то захотелось посмотреть этот самый матч с РВД.

  10. #500
    Администратор Аватар для s.b

    По умолчанию

    я этого тоже не утверждал.

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