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Тема: Флуд о рестлинге

  1. #5031

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Болотник Посмотреть сообщение
    Нет, пожалуй всё же стоит. Ради 1 сообщения написал 2 поста.
    У Макса научился))
    Wrestling and Rock'n'Roll are buried into my soul (с) Lightning Beat-Man

  2. #5032
    Country man Аватар для Pranker151

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    Цитата Сообщение от Филон Посмотреть сообщение
    Вместо того, чтобы флудить здесь, вы могли бы записаться на мафию уже!
    Да? Что еще сделать?
    12 килограммов золота остаются в семье бедного негра Букера Ти, дети смогут поесть, жена сможет купить одежду, теща сможет купить себе...краску для волос. (с) Н.Фоменко

  3. #5033

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от SkaLD Посмотреть сообщение
    У Макса научился))
    Один раз продублировал пост, так ещё сколько лет будишь помнить то?

  4. #5034
    Face of Extreme Аватар для Morrison17

    По умолчанию

    специальный постер ер для России!

    The first thing i would like to say is: YES! YES! YES!

  5. #5035

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от Makc the Butcher Посмотреть сообщение
    Один раз продублировал пост, так ещё сколько лет будишь помнить то?
    Разве один?) Ну вот чёт вспомнилось
    Вчера ночью 4ю годовщину Fu-Ten'a смотрел
    Судя по тому что видел это промоушен типа BattlARTS, но там полкарда - обычные рэслеры, например из Мичиноку Про.
    Напомнило UWFi, там тоже наряду с шутерами можно было классических рэслеров увидеть.
    В целом не особо конечно, просто юниоры лупят друг друга со всей дури и заламывают в хэдлоки и слиперы, лучше уж на чисто шутеров смотреть.

    Добавлено через 14 минут

    Хочу увидеть матч Шоквейва и Эриса)))
    Последний раз редактировалось SkaLD; 31.03.2011 в 10:54. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
    Wrestling and Rock'n'Roll are buried into my soul (с) Lightning Beat-Man

  6. #5036
    @doinkthe Аватар для Болотник

    По умолчанию

    Шоквейв = Эволвбот?

  7. #5037

    По умолчанию


    Я Шоквейва видел в ZERO1 пару раз, вроде тот же чел
    Внимание! Далее идет спойлер, чтобы посмотреть его - нажмите "Показать".
    Wrestling and Rock'n'Roll are buried into my soul (с) Lightning Beat-Man

  8. #5038
    @doinkthe Аватар для Болотник

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от SkaLD Посмотреть сообщение

    Я Шоквейва видел в ZERO1 пару раз, вроде тот же чел
    Внимание! Далее идет спойлер, чтобы посмотреть его - нажмите "Показать".
    Да я сам хз, кто такой Эвольвбот, помниться сюда кто-то кидал фотку с ним и каким-то топовым спортзальным посетителем Эвольва, в том же костюме робота, с той же звездой в груди (такая же кстати на мейне evolvewrestling.com). Вот и запомнил его.

  9. #5039
    Old True Violent Champion Аватар для ЕРОФЕЙ

    По умолчанию

    После закрытия известной независимой федерации IWA Mid-South на поверхность всплыли несколько нелицеприятных для ее владельца Йена Роттена фактов. Во время недавнего радиоинтервью, в котором Роттен объявил о распродаже всей атрибутики IWA, в программу также были приглашены несколько человек, с кем ему приходилось работать, и все они выдвинули ряд обвинений против экс-промоутера IWA MS. В частности, «Халфбрид» Билли Грэхам сообщил о том, что Роттен оставлял ему на автоответчике сообщения, содержащие угрозы, чего Йен не стал отрицать. Микки Накклз (ранее выступавшая как Муз в TNA) обвинила Роттена в жестоком обращении с ней в течение их 5-летнего сотрудничества. Отец скончавшегося в прошлом году Джей Си Бейли (он умер после осложнений в результате полученного им сотрясения) высказался за то, чтобы не допускать Роттена к рестлингу. И, наконец, Булл Пейн обвинил своего бывшего работодателя в неуплате обещанных ему денег.
    На PWT выложили это радиоинтервью с Йеном, но так как идёт оно два часа, я прочитал вот такой комментарий к этому интервью, который оставил один добрый человек... Мда, кучу интересных вещей, на самом деле, вычитал...

    Here's a recap for those that don't have the two hours to listen to it. Many many spoilers here, so beware. I'd also suggest still downloading the interview, because it is good to hear a lot of things not covered here, and text can't express the emotion of Mickie Knuckles, the sadness of Pondo, and the unrivaled hate of Joe Bailey & Billy Gram:

    -Jerry warns everyone strong language will probably be used and the conversation probably won't be kid friendly.

    -Jerry Wiseman welcomes Ian to the show. He says Ian has a history of owing people money and has a a very less than stellar reputation. Says that Ian admitted to owing 10 people a total of $3,000. He says there are stories of the benefit show Ian ran, a benefit show for a referee's son that did a large house and concession and Ian gave the referee less than $500. Jerry also says there are stories circulating that Ian and Mickie Knuckles were in a fight and Ian caused bodily injury to Mickie. Jerry says Ian said he was going to be in the main event for JCW this weekend, although the advertising from ICP doesn't even have Ian on the card. Ian says it was a secret about him appearing at JCW this weekend and Jerry just broke the first rule of wrestling (letting the secret out of Ian appearing at JCW this weekend) and that Ian just lost all respect for Jerry.

    -Jerry says his credible is much more than what Ian's is at the moment and that Jerry has gotten tons of calls and e-mails from different people after they heard Ian was going to be on the show.

    -Jerry starts going on and Ian wants a chance to speak on the JCW situation. He says he told Jerry he was working JCW off the record and didn't want Jerry to mention in. Jerry says he went to the source (ICP) because he didn't want to be worked by Ian. Jerry notes that it's a not issue with the long list of lies Ian has told and he'll apologize if Ian happens to be on the iPPV this Saturday.

    -Jerry talks about a few rumors surrounding Ian and JC Bailey. Ian says there was a time when Bailey worked four deathmatches in two days. Jerry says the rumor is that Bailey got $50 and and some pills. Ian says he paid him $185 for the two nights. Ian says Bailey owed him money for a different incident (Ian insists Bailey stole something from his house) and Ian wiped away the debt as part of the payment for working the four deathmatches and two other shows. Ian admits to selling JC Bailey pills after that show. Jerry calls Ian a drug dealer, Ian says he simply sold pills to a worker in pain. Jerry laughs. Jerry says Ian isn't a pharmacist so that makes it illegal. Ian says Jerry is twisting his words around (note: Ian clearly admits to selling pills that weren't prescribed in Bailey's name to Bailey).

    -Jerry brings up Mickie Knuckles. Jerry says he and Ian talked earlier going over part of what was going to be on the show and that Jerry would be fair, but brutal at times. He says Ian claims to have had an affair with Knuckles and pie-faced her to get her out of the way during an argument. Ian denies ever headbutting Mickie, putting his weight on her bad leg or trying to stab her with a screwdriver. Jerry says Mickie claims to have never slept with Ian, but Jerry says Ian may have lied to his wife about he and Mickie sleeping together just to piss off his wife. Jerry brings up the benefit show for Mickie that raised around $800. Jerry asks if she ever got any of that money, Ian replies that Mickie was living with her at the time and was paying all her bills.

    -Ian denies that he said "If JC wasn't dead, he'd be f'd up on pills." He says his comment was that JC was going to do what he wanted to do, regardless if people tried to help him.

    -Ian says Bull Pain gave him a Ribera jacket when the two lived together.

    -Jerry brings up a show in Dixie Highway in Louisville in the summer of 1998, where the boys worked for free two days before Ian's before. They worked for free because Ian was going to buy air conditioning for another building IWA Mid-South ran. However, the boys found out Ian bought a new TV and clothes with the money. Ian says they never even ran the building in the summer of 1998.

    -Ian denies paying his workers in drugs or pot. Jerry says there's really no difference in paying JC Bailey in money and then selling drugs to him for a portion of that money immediately after paying him. Ian reiterates he was just helping a fellow working in giving Bailey the pills.

    -Jerry says Ian is banned in Kentucky, although Ian insists he can apply for a license anytime. Jerry insists that he got wrestling banned at the National Guard Armory in Indiana and that his reputation precedes himself.

    -Jerry says anyone in their right mind wouldn't sell drugs to an addict. He wants to know why would anyone believe Ian now with his past. Ian says he has regrets, but won't admit to anything that he hasn't done. Jerry wonders why fellow promoters and building owners are going to believe Ian when he has lied so much in the past. Ian say he did more for the wrestling business than Jerry Wiseman and Joe Bailey (JC Bailey's father) ever have. Ian says he created Punk, Cabana, Sydal, Jerry says he didn't create those guys and wants to know who Ian created without maiming or killing them. Ian immediately changes it to "develope" Punk, Cabana and Sydal. He says he helped out Alex Shelley. Jerry says Ian didn't create CM Punk, OVW created CM Punk (what?). Ian says he put Punk in the ring with Mysterio, Lynn, Sabu, Smothers, etc. Jerry says Ian used CM Punk for his personal gain. Jerry wants to know how people will believe Ian know that he's running shows again. He says Ian used out-of-style hardcore matches, uses backyard wrestlers and doesn't pay them that much if at all. Ian denies it and Jerry says Ian is trying to work himself.

    -Mickie Knuckles calls in. Ian says there was a disagreement about the kids in their home and he and Mickie got into it. Mickie says she has promoters calling her telling her that Ian is trying to get her blackballed. Ian says Mickie lied to his wife Patti, saying they didn't have an affair for five years. Ian says he never beat up Mickie or tried to stab her and swears on his son's life that he never did. He says that they'll just got back and forth forever.

    -Bull Pain gets on the line and says if he wouldn't lose his job he'd "Beat to f*ck out of Ian every time he saw him." He says Ian is a cancer to the wrestling business. Ian says if it wasn't for him Bull's career would be dead. Bull says Ian is useless and that Ian has owed Bull $300 for eight months. Ian says he paid Bull $50 two weeks ago and Bull says the $50 is "just interest" after not paying him for eight months. Bull says Ian has Hep C and that he's working and bleeding all over people. Ian says if he has Hep C, so do Mickie because she "swallowed a million f*cking loads."

    -Pondo gets on the line and asks Ian on the day Pondo split his head open, did Ian ever get the money for that. Ian says yes. Pondo says Ian told people he never got that money and Ian denies every saying it. Pondo wants to know why he was paying Ian insurance if he didn't have any insurance. Ian says Pondo had insurance every show. Pondo says Ed Shuman (?) called and wanted to know if he needed insurance for a show and Pondo said Ian should have been paying Ed. Ian says he raised the insurance he offered and passed the heat onto Ed.

    -Jerry wants to know how Ian can explain so many people turning on him lately, citing Mickie, Bull and Pondo. Ian says Mickie didn't say anything bad just says that he beat her up. He said he and Pondo have business disagreements that happen in the business. He says the he owes $50, Bull $250, he owes Balls Mahoney and Dave Taylor a good chuck of that $3,000. He says he got a real job to take care of everything, Jerry says he won't be able to pay anything back on the low salary and Ian says he can start paying people back with money from running the shows and money from SMV. He wants to do family entertainment type shows to bring in more money. Ian says the boys don't get any money from SMV films, only Ian does, and that the boys don't get anything from other videos like CZW.

    -Jerry wants to know how he can turn a profit bringing in guys like Sabu, Necro Butcher, paying the building fees, paying the other guys, buying the concessions with food stamps (which Ian denies getting food stamps) and getting only 60 to 80 people at the show. He says can afford to pay people because those shows produce "nationwide and worldwide DVDs." Ian says it takes a few months to get a payment from SMV and he gets payment about once month, the last payment he got was around $300. Ian says they haven't put out anything new out for 7 months.

    -Joe Bailey calls in. He says Ian is a leopard that can't his spots and has lied to a ton of people. He says some kid took out a second mortgage on his home to fund a KOTD tournament in Indiana. Bailey says that kid never got a dime back from Ian and ended up losing his house. Ian says he repaid him. Bailey brings up another person who has money from a lawsuit over their child and medical malpractice, the person gave Ian money and put a ton of money into a building where Ian can run shows, but Ian got them banned and never paid the person anything. Bailey says Ian used money marks like Jim Fannin and Vince Jones to bring in guys like Sabu and Jerry Lynn. He says Ian has no clue how to run a family entertainment show. He's going to take this interview to the prosecutor because Ian admitted to selling drugs to JC earlier. Bailey's wife didn't want Ian at the funeral, but Joe allowed it, but he later found out Bailey's sister in law gave Ian gas money to get home. Bailey says he doesn't want Ian selling anything with JC's likeness on it and he's going to get a lawyer to stop in from doing that. Bailey says he has nothing else to do except make Ian's life a living hell from here on out. Ian says "Bailey is such a mark he doesn't know what a work is." Bailey says Ian beat the crap out of Mickie with a steel chair at a show and Ian beat other kids as well. Bailey says that now Ian is back running shows, Bailey will be all over him. He says Ian's track records is enough to bury Ian. Bailey says he doesn't care if Ian's kids have food or a roof over their head because his son, JC, is in the ground from concussion trauma. Ian says Joe know about the drugs Ian sold him months ago, when JC was still alive. Bailey says he is going to nail him to a wall for selling drugs. Bailey says the new building owner where Ian is running is going to hear this and won't let Ian run. Bailey says Ian is using backyarders on the April Bloodshowers show and that Ian will have a story the day of the show that guys advertised like Sabu, Ox Harley or Necro Butcher missed their flight, because Ian always has a story.

    -Ian denies a rumor about wanting to install a camera to spy on the girl's changing room.

    -Jerry runs down a list of people appearing on the April Bloodshowers show and insinuates they are just backyarders. (he named guys like Devin Moore, Gresham, Lyndon, Hayme who are obviously not backyarders). Ian denies using backyarders.

    -Jerry says Ian has been accused not having insurance papers and couldn't run a show recently in New Albany because of it. Ian denies it. Jerry says rumors are that Ian has papers from someone that was deceased but changed the date on the papers. Ian denies that as well. Jerry asks if he has insurance for the upcoming show. Ian says he went through a company in Oregon to get insurance and had the insurance cover send it to the venue. Ian says the venue said the insurance didn't cover what needed to be covered and the venue received a couple of calls about Ian and wouldn't allow them to run the show. Jerry asks about insurance for the upcoming show on April 8, and Ian says "he is looking at a couple of different companies." Bailey gets back on the line and says Ian calls the insurance companies shortly before bell time and cancels the insurance, so the insurance company doesn't have time to call the venue and tell them the show doesn't have insurance. Bailey and Jerry said they have never known of Ian having insurance when they promoted for Ian. Ian can't name any of the insurance companies he's working with.

    -Jerry brings up a fundraiser for a little girl with the guys working for free and Ian didn't give the family any money. Ian denies ever running the show.

    -Ian denies a rumor that he took the payroll for a show, gambled it away and then told the boys he lost it at a gas station.

    -Ian denies ever taking liberties with people in the ring and denies every stepping over the line.

    -Bailey says Pondo and JC did a circus net death match and Ian only paid them $100 each to take a 18 foot suplex onto the barbed wire circus net. He says young kids could get in the ring for Ian and kill themselves and the family couldn't get a thing for it because Ian is so poor.

    -Billy Gram calls in. He says Ian threatened his life on his answering machine and took liberties with him in the ring. He says he's going to beat Ian the next time he sees him and that Ian is a sorry excuse for a human being. He says Ian used JC and that Ian gave JC drugs and that it he on tape doing it. Ian says Gram did drugs with JC also. He says he showed up at the funeral asking for gas money. Gram says Ian broke Playstation controller over his son's head and that Ian bragged to a room full of guys how Sherri Martel wanted to have sex with him. Gram says if Ian used his talent for "1/100th of good" rather than the evil Ian does that he'd be someone in this world. Gram says its on until he or Ian can't walk anymore. Gram says Ian gang jumped Dustin Lee in order to impress Lee's girlfriend and get a piece of ass. He calls Ian a woman-beater. Ian says Billy is a tough guy over the phone that Ian took advantage of guys like Mike Levy. He says Ian will be cuffed and dragged to tribal court for threatening Gram. He says the only redeeming quality about Ian is that he booked decent wrestling shows eight years ago. Gram says this all started because Ian ruined someone's unprofessionalism, but Gram waited until he had a personal reason to hate Ian. He says the whole world know what Ian did to Mickie, Levy, and Lee. He says Ian is a liar that he said he hasn't taken any liberties with anyone in the ring. Gram says Ian could have been locked up for the message he left on his machine threatening his life. He wants Ian to hang up his boots and go back to peddling tacos. He says Ian acted like he was going to kill himself for pity at a show in front of his kids. Gram says Ian will never have a good life because he'll never come clean. Gram says that Ian gave JC 35 pills and its on a tape somewhere. Gram says he tried to help JC with his problem and that JC was clean 61 days before he died and got out of rehab the day before he died. He says Ian doesn't have a plethora of claims against him by constantly telling the truth. He says other guys are afraid to say anything. Ian finally apologizes for leaving that message threatening to kill Gram and that it was done in the moment. Gram says a lot of guys can't say no to Ian. He says the only legacy Ian will leave is that he hurt people. He said he did things with Levy to work the boys, but Gram denies it. Ian says Mickie says it was a work, too. Gram says it probably was a work but Ian took it way too far. Gram hopes Ian rots in hell.

    -Jerry says it hasn't been a good night for Ian, Ian says it's been a fine night. Ian says that no matter what he says, Jerry is going to twist it around. Jerry says so many people have contacted him telling the same stories about Ian and that Ian can't deny there's at least some truth to what people are saying and that Ian is only fooling himself by denying it all. Jerry says many unrelated people are telling him the same stories about Ian and that Ian's only defense is these different people are full of shit and Jerry says that he thinks Ian is full of shit. Ian denies beating up Dustin but says he got worked over and had to pay his dues. Ian said this happens and Dustin is a big crybaby. Jerry says Ian should feel terrible for hitting (pie-facing) Mickie and should apologize for at least pie-facing her, even if Ian didn't beat her. Ian says Mickie was in the house for a week after that and that he never hit Mickie and Jerry says Ian is less than a man for striking Mickie. Jerry says he doesn't feel bad for ripping Ian apart because its too easy. Ian says he helped JC by giving him pills, but Jerry says he doesn't know how a sane person could offer drugs to an addict and say that is helping someone. Jerry says that Ian has failed in apologizing to those people on the show that he has wronged in the past. Jerry says that Ian needs to go to a different planet to run shows and get martians to work, because he won't be able to run shows as long as guys like Joe Bailey and he are around.

    Mortal Combat Zone Wrestling.

  10. #5040

    По умолчанию

    Да уж...
    Все знали что он мужик с гнильцой, но это просто море грязи
    Wrestling and Rock'n'Roll are buried into my soul (с) Lightning Beat-Man

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